Luis Blackaller
* Table of Contents *
* About *

Luis Blackaller has a multidisciplinary background that covers aspects of entertainment, science, design, art and visual storytelling. He earned a BS with honors as a mathematician in the UNAM, and has been trained as an animator in the Vancouver Film School.
With more than 10 years of experience in the Mexican film and television industry, Luis has worked as a designer, art director, motion graphics artist and storyboard artist among academy award winners in films like Amores Perros, 21 Grams and Babel.
In 2008, Luis earned a MS from the MIT Media Lab under the mentorship of John Maeda, where he explored online creative social systems and their relationship with artistic expression and communication.
As a MIT student, he attended writing workshops with Junot Diaz and Joe Haldeman, received character design and world building training from Frank Espinosa, and learned transmedia methods with Henry Jenkins.
After graduating from MIT, Luis worked as a Producer and Creative Director for the Next Billion Network at the MIT Media Lab, where he designed and supervised the execution of alternative strategies of communication and promotion of research, directing a team of documentary videographers and web developers for more than a year.
This path encouraged him to start the Boston film collective Fantastic Soup, where he directed and produced a number of experimental and commercial pieces.
He can recently be found in Venice, California, where he works as Creative Director in a Virtual Reality Design and Production studio called Wevr.
Luis has a big cranium that can only be matched by the size of his imagination. For more information about his work please visit black and blacklog.
With more than 10 years of experience in the Mexican film and television industry, Luis has worked as a designer, art director, motion graphics artist and storyboard artist among academy award winners in films like Amores Perros, 21 Grams and Babel.
In 2008, Luis earned a MS from the MIT Media Lab under the mentorship of John Maeda, where he explored online creative social systems and their relationship with artistic expression and communication.
As a MIT student, he attended writing workshops with Junot Diaz and Joe Haldeman, received character design and world building training from Frank Espinosa, and learned transmedia methods with Henry Jenkins.
After graduating from MIT, Luis worked as a Producer and Creative Director for the Next Billion Network at the MIT Media Lab, where he designed and supervised the execution of alternative strategies of communication and promotion of research, directing a team of documentary videographers and web developers for more than a year.
This path encouraged him to start the Boston film collective Fantastic Soup, where he directed and produced a number of experimental and commercial pieces.
He can recently be found in Venice, California, where he works as Creative Director in a Virtual Reality Design and Production studio called Wevr.
Luis has a big cranium that can only be matched by the size of his imagination. For more information about his work please visit black and blacklog.
* Exhibitions-Lectures-Awards *
- 2018. Guest Lecture at the ArtCenter College of Design for Media Design Practices.
- 2017. Presided as Chair for the Panel Real Knowledges, Virtual Designs: A Roundtable On Conducting Practice-Based Research In Virtual Reality at the AIGA Converge Conference in the School of Cinematic Arts at USC.
- 2016. Guest Speaker at the UCSB Media Arts and Technology Seminar Series. Presentation title: The Reality of Virtual Reality.
- 2016. Sundance Film Festival New Frontier featured artist with Waves, a virtual reality short musical movie starring Reggie Watts and directed by Benjamin Dickinson.
- 2016. Guest Speaker at Synchrony NYC Demoparty. Presentation title: DIY Virtual Reality.
- 2015. Guest Speaker at The New Context Conference 2015 Tokyo, "The future of Digital Currency and Virtual Reality". Presentation title: From Cinema to Virtual Reality.
- 2014. Keynote Speaker in Kaleidoscope - A conference in honor of Javier Bracho, observer of beautiful forms in Geometry, Topology and Combinatorics. Presentation Title: Tilings and Friends.
- 2014. Public Space? Lost & Found - Exhibition organized by MIT ACT at the MIT Media Lab. Curated by Antoni Muntadas and Gediminas Urbonas.
- 2013. Keynote Speaker (in collaboration with Ana Domb) in the Seminario Transmedia y Narrativas Audiovisuales in Bogotá, Colombia. Presentation title: Propagación de ficciones.
- 2013. Guest speaker at Microsoft Research. Presentation Title: Art and Audience Participation: What Can We Expect from the Future?. Hosted by Andres Monroy-Hernandez from Fuselabs.
- 2012. Keynote Speaker in the UNAM edition of Gira TelmexHub: The narrative experience in the digital age.
- 2011. Participation in the art show "Urban Nothingness" at the Jefchak/Wyrick Gallery in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, curated by Gene Wyrick.
- 2011. Keynote Speaker in the Puebla edition of Gira TelmexHub. The talk explores the relationship between Art and Digital Technology. The slides are available online.
- 2009. Honey I shrunk the Red Hook in Brooklyn, New York. A public art interactive installation, in collaboration with Andy Cavatorta for Lucky Gallery.
- 2008. Version Bêta Biennial in Geneva, Switzerland. Guest speaker in the "Artists in Labs" discussion sessions. Lecture about Online Creative Social Systems.
- 2007. FlashForward Boston. September 2007 Keynote Presentation with John Maeda. E15: A platform designed to experiment with 3D programmable interfaces to the WWW.
- 2006. MIT October 2006 Grad Arts Forum. "Framed", A high level talk about comic books, film, architecture and art.
- 2005. Bennadiction 2005, Third Fundraiser for Goliath Visual Space, Brooklyn, New York City. Saturday, April 2-5, 2005.
- 2005. First National Meeting of Design and Engineering. Technological University of the Mixteca, Oaxaca. Lecture on the role of Graphic Design in Production Design for Film. March 10-11, 2005.
- 2004. Fourth Workshop on Arts and Science. Mathematics Institute of the UNAM, Morelia. Lecture on Electronic Graphics, and Discussion about the Process of Creation with Mathematician Roberto Martinez Villa and Psychiatrist Jesus Alveano. November 20-26, 2004.
- 2004. Luis Blackaller: Black and White City. ISCP Open Studio, New York City. Opening September 8th, 2004.
- 2004. Luis Blackaller/Nicola Lopez: Saturacion II. Monumental Graphics Exhibition in the Lino Picaseño Gallery of the Architecture School of the UNAM. Opening March 23rd, 2004.
- 2003. Luis Blackaller/Nicola Lopez: Saturacion. Monumental Graphics Exhibition in the Graphics Arts Institute of Oaxaca, IAGO. Opening June 18th, 2003
- 2002-2003. "Creación en Movimiento" exhibition for the "Jóvenes Creadores" Scholarship in Graphics (CONACULTA, FONCA, Mexico). Project, The Violence of Light. Mentored by Jan Hendrix.
- 1999. "XL", Monumental silkscreen exhibition curated by Jan Hendrix, CNA.
* Studies-Scholarships-Grants *
- 2014. Attendee and featured artist, Public Space? Lost & Found - Symposium on Public Art Education and Practice, organized by MIT ACT in honor of Antoni Muntadas at the MIT Media Lab.
- 2012. Attendee, Futures of Entertainment 6 conference at MIT.
- 2011. Attendee, Futures of Entertainment 5 conference at MIT.
- 2006-2008. Master of Science in Media Arts and Sciences at the MIT Media Lab. Research Group PLW, Advisor John Maeda.
- 2004. Programming workshops in DGSCA, UNAM.
- 2004. ISCP (International Studio and Curatorial Program, New York City) Mexican Artist in Residence. Sponsored by FONCA, the Mexican Cultural Institute of New York and the MexAm Foundation.
- 2001-2002. "Jóvenes Creadores" Scholarship in Graphics (CONACULTA, FONCA, México). Project: The Violence of Light. Mentored by Jan Hendrix.
- 2000-2001. 3D Animation intensive program. Softimage, Maya. Vancouver Film School, VFS.
- 1998. Monumental silkscreen workshop lectured by Jan Hendrix, CNA.
- 1996. Digital photography workshop, CNA.
- 1992. Commercial photography workshop. Escuela Activa de Fotografía de Coyoacán.
- 1990-1991. Freehand and human figure workshops. Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas, UNAM.
- 1988-1990. Human figure workshop. Escuela superior de Artes y Diseño de Coyoacán with Adriáßn Navarro.
- 1997. Mathematician professional degree (with honors) Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM.
- 1997. Ship of world youth WISH 9. Sponsored by the japanese government.
- 1993-1997. Research work for the Math Institute of the UNAM assisting Professors Javier Bracho Carpizo and Jorge Arocha. Participation in seminaries concerning low dimensional topology and combinatorial geometry.
- 1990-1994. Mathematician studies, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM. Fields of interest: Surface topology and combinatorial geometry.
* Teaching *
- 2012-2015. USC MAP: Lecturer, Creative Coding for the Web IML 400 Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015.
- 2009. MIT IAP: Instructor, Animation workshop for undergraduate students. Sponsored by the MIT Student Art Association.
- 2009. Teacher Assistant MIT MAS 967: nextlab II: Launching Mobile Ventures for the Next Billion Consumers. Prof. Jhonatan Rotberg (MIT, Spring 2009)
- 2008. Teacher Assistant MIT MAS 965: nextlab I: Designing Mobile Technologies for the Next Billion Users. Prof. Jhonatan Rotberg (MIT, Fall 200*)
- 2006. Teacher Assistant MIT MAS 110: Fundamentals of Computational Media Design. Prof. John Maeda (MIT, Fall 2006)
* Web Media *
- MyStudio [ a space for sharing process ]
- E15 [ internet beyond the web ]
- E15:oGFx [ experimental interactive graphics programming ]
- tiny icon factory [ anonymous icon gallery and tool ]
- pictureXS [ anonymous image aggregator ]
- tinyDoodle [ draw based chat ] movie
- slumberTime [ social space for narcoleptics and insomniacs ]
- blacklab [ interactive computational sketchbook ]
* Immersive Media and Virtual Reality *
- 2019-2021. Developed, Directed and Produced two location based VR experiences for the Warner Bros' Harry Potter flagship store in NYC: Wizards Take Flight and Chaos at Hogwarts.
- 2018-2019. Holodome Labs Creative Director. Designed, Directed and produced multiple experimental pieces for Paul Allen's Holodome.
- 2018. Wrote, Directed and Produced Death Planet Rescue for Paul Allen's Holodome.
- 2017. Directed and Produced The Tower and The Reckoning for The House: A Hulu Halloween Anthology.
- 2016. Creative Director, Producer and Animation Director, Waves (A Virtual Reality Wevr production), starring Reggie Watts and directed by Benjamin Dickinson.
- 2016. Creative Director, Hard World for Small Things (A Virtual Reality Seed&Sparks/Wevr production), directed by Janicza Bravo.
- 2015. Creative Director, Gone (A Virtual Reality Skybound/Wevr production), directed by JT Petty.
- 2014-Present. Creative Director, Producer and Virtual Reality Director at Wevr [ formerly known as Wemolab ]
- 2012-2014. Experience Designer, Art Director, Story Artist, Writer, and UI/UX Designer at WemoLab
- 2012. Writer, Creative Technologist for National Theatre Wales / Dorkypark Branches, directed by Constanza Macras
* Film and TV *
- 2019. Directed and produced the mobile short film Bernie.
- 2010-2012. Creative Director, Producer and Director of video collaterals for MIT CTL Future Freight Flows for the NCHRP Workshops. Supervised by Chris Caplice.
- 2010. Opening credit sequence and opening flashback sequence for the film "Sin Ella", directed by Jorge Colón.
- 2008-2010. Creative Director, Producer and Director for MIT nextlab Media.
- 2006. Concept Art and Graphic Design for "Vantage Point" (Sony Pictures), directed by Pete Travis. Production Designer Brigitte Broch.
- 2006. Concept Art, Art Direction and Graphic Design for "Cansada de Besar Sapos", directed by Jorge Colón. Production Designer Claudia Vazquez.
- 2005. Concept Art, Storyboard and Graphic Design for "Babel", directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu. Production Designer Brigitte Broch.
- 2005. Concept Art and Art Department Consultant for "Malos Hábitos", directed by Simón Bross.
- 2005. Graphic Design and scenic art for the film "Así del Precipicio", directed by Teresa Suarez. Production Designer: Hania Robledo.
- 2004-2005. Design, Animation concept and animation of the opening logo for the film production company "Rio Negro". Pruduced by Matthias Ehrenberg.
- 2004. Design, Animation concept and animation of the opening credits for the film feature "Voces Inocentes". Directed by Luis Mandoki.
- 2003. Graphic Design for the film "Puños Rosas", directed by Beto Gomez. Production Designer: Hania Robledo.
- 2002-2003. Graphic Design for the film "21 Grams", directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu. Production Designer: Brigitte Broch. Director of Photography: Rodrigo Prieto.
- 2002. Design, Animation concept and animation of the opening credits for the film feature "Asesino en Serio". Directed by Antonio Urrutia.
- 2001-2002. Set Design, Graphic Design and Sketch Art for the film "La Hija Del Canibal", Directed by Antonio Serrano. Production Designer: Brigitte Broch.
- 2001. Design, Animation concept and animation of the opening credits for the film feature "La Habitación Azul". Directed by Walter Doehner.
- 2001. Graphic Design for HBO Films' "Real Women Have Curves". Directed by Patricia Cardosso. Production designer: Brigitte Broch.
- 2001. Set Design and Graphic Design for "Powder Keg", ( Directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu. Production designer: Brigitte Broch. Director of photography: Bob Richardson.
- 2000. Design and Animation concept of the opening credits for the film feature "Por La Libre". Directed by Juan Carlos de Llaca.
- 2000. Graphic Design for Metro Goldwin Mayer's film feature "Original Sin", with Antonio Banderas and Angelina Jolie; directed by Michael Christopher. Production designer: David Bomba.
- 1999. Art Direction and Set Design for t.v. show "Chiquitos pero picosos" by Argos Noticias for Televisión Azteca.
- 1999. Image Design, Graphic Animation Director and Art Director for channel nine 2000 from grupo televisa.
- 1999. Logo Design, Graphic Design and Font Design for Paramount's T.V. series "Mindfield", directed by Nelson McCormick. Production designer: Felipe Fernandez.
- 1999. Set Design, Graphic Design and Construction Coordination for the film "Amores Perros" (Grand Prix du meilleur Long Metrage de la Semaine de la Critique, Cannes Film Festival 2000) (2001 Oscar Nominee best foreign film), directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu. Production designer: Brigitte Broch.
- 1998-1999. Art Direction and Set Design for t.v. show "Momento de decisión" by Argos Noticias for Televisión Azteca.
- 1998. Art Direction and Set Design for t.v. news show "HECHOS" for Televisión Azteca.
- 1998. Art Direction and Set Design for t.v. show "Se busca Justicia" by Argos Noticias for Televisión Azteca.
- 1998. Set Design, Graphic Design and Sketch Art for the film "Sexo, Pudor y Lágrimas", by Antonio Serrano. Art director: Brigitte Broch.
- 1998. Art Director for music videos by " El gran silencio".
- 1997. Art Director for the science fiction short "El Futuro es Ahora" directed by José Hernandez "Nuncapepe".
* Photography *
- 2011. iPhone Photo Documentary La Gran Armada de Mexico, in Collaboration with Gabriella Gomez Mont. Featured in Estrella cercana.
- 2002. Photography for the travel magazine "Travesías".
- 1998. Slide Show for the spring collection parade for GRYPHO couture.
- 1998. Slide Projection Show for "Modas Terminales 1998", by Control Bureau.
- 1997. Slide Projection Shows for nightclub 69.
- 1997. Photography Exhibition "Abarrotes el Porvenir", in México and Madrid.
- 1994. Camera assistance for fashion photographer Alfonso Merchand.
- 1993-1995. Stills Photographer for several student short film projects in CUEC.
- 1991-1997. Site and Product Photography for Laboratorios Novag Infancia.
- 1990-1992. Photojournalism for the Legal Magazine Acta.
* Illustration and Cartoons *
- 2020. Founded Cartoon Distortion, a visual arts studio dedicated to the production of Artist books, Zines, Comics, and other Printed goods. Selected as a participant in the 2020 edition of LAZinefest.
- 2014-2020. Record and cassette cover illustrations for the psychedelic hard rock Czech band Rest in Haste.
- 2011-2015. Book design, logo, and cover illustrations (in collaboration with other artists) for the Latin American poetry collection Cielo Abierto, edited by Rocio Cerón.
- 2005-2010. Book design and cover illustrations for the Latin American poetry collection El Billar de Lucrecia, edited by Rocio Cerón.
- 2007. Illustration art for the book 62 maneras de apoyar la cabeza (y unas cuantas más) written by Georg Christoph Lichtenberg and Andrés Virreynas. Tumbona Ediciones, México.
- 2004-2005. Regular Cartoonist for MAD Mexico magazine, published by Editorial MINA. Creator and Author of the section "Juda vs. Juda".
- 2004. Illustrations for PAUTA (Cuadernos de Teoría y Crítica Musical) 91.
- 2001. Inks for "El Bulbo 9" , comicbook.
- 1999. Illustration Art for "ciudad sicótica" video, by La Castañeda.
- 1997.Character Design, Art and Computer Color for the Cartoon Sunday Supplement of the Excelsior Newspaper.
- 1997. Storyboards for advertising film productions.
- 1996. Illustrator and Cartoonist for Generación magazine.
- 1996. Penciller and Inker for the Comic Book Ransom 4, by The Comic Group México.