// white #FFFFFF against black #000000 //brighter floats and darker sinks //grayscale and even color... reordering from bright to dark (not yet) //for now just separating bright from dark // interesting values: /* 50%: #808080, #7F7F7F 75%: gray75 #BFBFBF gray76 #C2C2C2 gray77 #C4C4C4 gray78 #C7C7C7 25%: gray22 #383838 gray23 #3B3B3B gray24 #3D3D3D gray25 #404040 gray26 #424242 gray27 #454545 gray28 #474747 gray29 #4A4A4A */ //by luis blackaller PImage pic1; PFont font; int halfImage; int imgCenter; int white = 0, black = 0; float averageWhite, averageBlack; int stepX=0; int stepY=0; int numBlack=0; int numWhite=0; int stepW=0; int stepB=0; int imageChoice = int(random(0f,2.999f)); //int imageChoice = 2; void setup() { size(560,400); background(255,20,30); //framerate(60); line(width/2,0,width/2,height); ellipseMode(CENTER_RADIUS); rectMode(CENTER_RADIUS); font = loadFont("Monaco-12.vlw"); halfImage = width*height/4; imgCenter= (width*height-width)/2 -1; pic1 = loadImage("image_"+imageChoice+".jpg"); image(pic1, 0, 0,width/2,height); noLoop(); for(int i=0;i< pic1.pixels.length;i++){ if( pic1.pixels[i] == #FFFFFF){ white = white + 1;} else if( pic1.pixels[i] == #000000){ black = black + 1;} } averageWhite = 100 * float (white) / float ( pic1.pixels.length); averageBlack = 100 * float (black) / float ( pic1.pixels.length); println ("280(width) X 400(height): "+ (280*400)); println ("total pixels: "+ pic1.pixels.length ); println ("white: "+ white); println ("black: "+ black); println (white + black); println ("averageWhite: "+ averageWhite); println ("averageBlack: "+ averageBlack); println ("sum: "+(averageBlack+averageWhite)); } void mousePressed(){noLoop();} void mouseReleased(){ if(stepX < 111998)loop(); } void draw() { //image(pic1, 0, 0,width/2,height); //if(stepX >= pic1.pixels.length-1){noLoop();} if(stepX >= 111998){println("*****"+stepX+"*****"); image(pic1, 0, 0,width/2,height); noLoop();} //if(stepX >= 4){noLoop();println("*****"+stepX+"*****");} fill(255,20,30); noStroke(); //ellipse(stepX % width/2, stepY-1,2,2); //rect(stepX % width/2, stepY-1,2,2); rect( (stepX % (width/2)), stepY-1,2,2); //fill(pic1.pixels[stepX]); //rect( 1 + width/2 + (stepX % (width/2)), stepY,1,1); if( pic1.pixels[stepX] >= #808080){ fill(pic1.pixels[stepX]); ellipse(width/2+1 + (numWhite % (width/2)), stepW-1,1,1); numWhite = numWhite + 1; if((numWhite !=0)&&(numWhite % (width/2) == 0))stepW=stepW+1; } if( pic1.pixels[stepX] < #808080){ fill(pic1.pixels[stepX]); ellipse(width - (numBlack % (width/2)), height-stepB,1,1); numBlack = numBlack + 1; if((numBlack !=0)&&(numBlack % (width/2) == 0))stepB=stepB+1; } stepX = stepX + 1; if((stepX !=0)&&(stepX % (width/2) == 0))stepY=stepY+1; //println ("stepX: "+ stepX); //println ("numBlack: "+ numBlack); //println ("numWhite: "+ numWhite); noStroke(); if(stepX>1){ fill(255); rect(17*width/24-18,45,60,25); fill(0); textFont(font, 10); text("pixel: "+(stepX+1), 14*width/24, 34); //} //if(numWhite>1){ //fill(255); //rect(14*width/24-10,30,120,15); fill(0); textFont(font, 10); //text("white precentage: "+numWhite, 17*width/24, 50); text("bright:"+nfs(float(100*numWhite)/float(pic1.pixels.length),2,4)+" %", 14*width/24, 48); //} //if(numBlack>0){ //fill(255); //rect(14*width/24-10,45,120,16); fill(0); textFont(font, 10); //text("black precentage: "+numBlack, 17*width/24, 75); text("dark:"+nfs(float(100*numBlack)/float(pic1.pixels.length),2,4)+" %", 14*width/24, 62); } stroke(0); //line(width/2-1,0,width/2-1,height); line(width/2,0,width/2,height); }